This facility provides the powerful 2N UPS power (Uninterruptible Power Supply or Service) as well as N+1 cooling system, reliable connectivity, and modern alarm/monitoring systems. It is responsible for making available dual fibre access to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and principal carriers as well as unhampered connection with London Network Access Point and London Internet Exchange.
Users can expect 99.999% service-level agreement (SLA) on power availability. The data hub was designed utilising the energy-efficient modular architecture of Interxion. Power source comes from 100% renewable energy with exceptional standards of maximum efficiency and free cooling. The company is a known provider of colocation along with proximity hosting to the financial services sector.
Contact information
- 5th Floor, 91-95 Brick Lane London E1 6QL United Kingdom
- +44 (0) 20 7375 7000